God-Loving Sneakerhead Standard - Black
God-Loving Sneakerhead Standard - Black
The most versatile colorway of em all is Black and White, because you can pair it up with many different color combinations.
God-loving Sneakerhead?!? What's that? One with a passion for collecting and rocking dope sneakers and has an even deeper devotion for God.
"They say that what is right is wrong and what is wrong is right, that black is white and white is black, bitter is sweet and sweet is bitter:" Isaiah 5:20
The world has definitely flipped into some sort of alternate universe, where everything seems to be the opposite of what is true. Know that God's Word is true and the measuring stick by which we live our lives.
Black tee with White Front print to go with your favorite Black and White sneakers! If you love GOD and you also love Sneakers GODxSNKRS is the brand for you!
100% Pre-shrunk Cotton
Fashion Fit
True to size